Kyoritsu KEW Snap 2002PA Information The Kyoritsu KEW Snap 2002PA is a digital clamp meter that measures AC and DC current, voltage, resistance, capacitance, and frequency. It has a wide measuring range of 0 to 2000A AC/DC, and it can also measure the peak value of a current pulse. The 2002PA has a number of features that make it a versatile and useful tool for electrical work, including: Tear-drop-shaped jaws for ease of use in crowded cable areas and other tight places. Peak hold function to capture and display the peak value of a current pulse. Data hold function to freeze a reading for easy viewing. Sleep function to conserve battery power. Beeper for audible continuity checking. Terminal cover to prevent incorrect connections. Output to a chart recorder for current variation recording. The 2002PA is a well-made and reliable clamp meter that is backed by Kyoritsu's reputation for quality. It is a good choice for electricians, technicians, and other professionals who need a vers...